I watched the first couple episodes of Falling Skies ... three episodes?.. last night, back to back. I have issues. Those issues are likely related to the fact that I read science fiction and I've seen post invasion scenarios done before. Life as we know ends. How do humans survive? How do they organize themselves. It's been done and it's been done well. It's been done and done poorly. The idea is primal. There is a reason it's an idea picked up again and again. So what happened to the other television efforts? The Event? V? My nits from the beginning of this one... Child psych... They have the kids (the kid) seeming the least able to adjust to this terrifying new world. This seems unlikely and unsupported by both anecdote and History. But it does provide a chain-jerking intro to the facts of events. I found it annoying. The hero... a History professor with an interest in military History. Nothing wrong with that. Enter the military which, ...
Science fiction, politics, cartoons, and whatever I want to talk about. With chickens!