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Compulsion is Compulsion, no matter who does it. 

This is Brilliant

Theft is Theft, no matter who does it.

Freedom of Association has no room in it for *private* action
 that takes that away Freedom of Association.

If I have a business and have voluntary associations such that I choose to serve some people and to not serve others, that might make me a jerk and it might lose me business, it might make me smart and it might gain me business, but it's got to be my choice. 

If I would normally serve the current disliked minority in my shop except for the fact that if I'm SEEN to serve them by the wrong people I'll have a private campaign against me as those people do everything possible to ruin me by preventing me from doing business physically or by attacking my customers or suppliers, then I am NOT free to make those choices.

Does it really make a difference to losing my CHOICE to voluntarily associate if there's a law that says I may not serve "those people" or if it's just other people who decide that I may not serve "those people?"


Within a libertarian conceptual space where "one person's right to swing their fist ends at my nose," a private campaign to ruin me, to punish me and to punish my suppliers or my other customers in order to make me behave, that's well past the nose!

Libertarian or objectivist concepts are generally just this side of anarchy, with as little government as possible. Those concepts are only partly about government and are primarily about how it would work to NOT have government do Every Single Little Thing.  It makes NO sense to pretend that libertarian concepts apply ONLY to government, only to the State, when they are so much about how to do WITHOUT the State.
Taxation is theft? Okay? So the Government shouldn't steal from us. 
Does that mean that private people or entities CAN steal from us??
I don't know enough about the law to know the right terms. There's whatever "Nice business you have there, pity if something should happen to it," is called. EXTORTION, maybe?  Tortious interference?  That's a private sector crime, isn't it?

Is extortion by private individuals or entities okay? Comply or something bad will happen to you? Sure would be awful if you can't do business anymore, huh? Oh, that's just CONSEQUENCES.

The State shouldn't punish our choices.  Does that mean that private people or entities CAN?

Because listen up.
No research institution has fired a brilliant researcher because they decided all on their own that the fellow's bad opinions are more important than curing cancer. So when that guy gets fired? It's not "voluntary" or "free". It's extortion or blackmail or fear of premeditated reprisal.

Our Rights are recorded in the Bill of Rights, does that mean that without Government those Rights no longer exist?  Or are our Rights entirely apart from Government or Documents?  Hello?

Can Libertarians please stop going into vapor lock every time a Progressive insists that Free Speech only applies to Government infringement?  Please?  Can Libertarians please stop agreeing every time a Progressive insists that threats of imposed consequences ("Look what you made us dooooo!") aren't coercion or extortion or the equivalent of tortious interference?  Please?

Can Libertarians stop being STUPIDER than Progressives?   It shouldn't be that hard to do because Progressives are pretty stupid.  Allow me some hope for the world, okay?

Infringement isn't something that only Government can do.  

No one HAS to associate with me.

Everyone has to be FREE to associate with me.

This is Not, That, Hard.


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