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Al-Qaida Last Warning

This isn't surprising. I'm sure that there are some very spooky folks doing their best to determine if the threat itself is the attack or if the bad guys do have something planned.

In a sense, though, it's irrelevant. Because Al-Qaida isn't giving us a choice between safety and risk. Suppose they really could do what so many people fear? Suppose they could set off a large nuke and destroy a city? Would we be incapacitated by our grief?

What do you think?

Bin Laden made a mistake. His mistake brought down two entire countries.

If Al-Qaida's threat has substance it only proves that they haven't learned a single thing from Bin Laden's mistake.

And in the end it won't matter if America is noble and just or if America is a blundering baby. The end result will be the same, and it will be a result that no-one in the middle east wants.

h/t Instapundit


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