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Why say "apologize" when you mean "grovel?"

Don Suber thinks that "righties" should apologize. Not Ben Domenech, who has (and certainly should) but "righties" should apologize to the Washington Post.

I'm a bit confused what this "apology" is supposed to look like.

This is, of course, assuming that I qualify as a "rightie."

But how did anything that any "rightie", myself (assuming as I said) or anyone else *other than* Ben Domenech harm the Washington Post? Because an apology assumes something to apologize for, and although I realize that "lefties" are always insisting on associative guilt (unless, of course, it involves some other group indentity than whites or conservatives) I refuse to play that game.

There's a whole heck of a lot that I'm NOT guilty of and refuse to apologize for. My own sin is weighty enough and I will not borrow and grovel over the sins committed by people who may look like me or have somewhat similar philosophies.

What is this "apology" supposed to look like?

Is Don Suber going to "apologize, apologize, apologize" to the college students of Colorado for Ward Churchill's sins? Why the heck not? They're all "lefties" right?

"Right" blogs have been forthright in their expressions of disappointment. Obviously that's not an "apology". If a few people assumed the "lefties" were talking out their rears, scraping the bottom of the barrel for dirt and determined to find it, and so they leapt to his defense, well, they were right about that... it wasn't plagiarism that *promted* the witch-hunt, it was the simple fact that they hated the idea of the Red America blog. They'd hate it every bit as much if Domenech was a pure as fresh driven snow. That they actually found something real isn't proof of precognition. The irrational witch hunt, based on outraged sensibilities, came first.

So. I'm disappointed. And I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that some people think that other people are guilty because of their associations, race, or politics rather than their own actions.

I'm sorry that some people harbor irrational hatred toward those with diverse political opinions.

I'm sorry that Red America blog didn't work out and hope they don't drop it altogether.

I'm sorry that I refuse to grovel just because someone else told me to.

Will that do ya, Don?

Update: So I go over to Wizbang on my normal "down my list of bookmarks" browsing, and in the open trackback post find this.


Rich Casebolt said…
I'll be more amenable to apology, when the oppositon is more amenable to truth ...

... and less amenable to folding/spindling/mutilating such apologies into "proof" that conservatism is wrong on principle.

This is why I don't get concerned when the President doesn't talk to the MSM ... or is reticent about admitting its mistakes to those who see them as a rotweiller sees red meat.

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