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Getting to be prom queen of the world is lame if everyone knows you're a slut.

This is my response to yet another comment (this one on neo-neocon's blog) claiming that Bush was the worst president EVER and Condi was a laughingstock in the world. (The Condi bit was somewhat unusual, I will admit. What wasn't all that unusual was that the commenter, IIRC, claimed to be reasonable.)

I'm reminded of that saying: Metaphysics - I'll see it when I believe it.

The force of WILL displayed is incredible. The belief that Bush is bad-evil-theworstever existed before he ever took the oath of office. The sore feelings that Bush was better at stealing an election than Gore was taken up by people who are professionals when it comes to the ultimate moral authority... outrage. Gore started out by displaying a petulant attitude and it's never let up.

And this was in 2000. When there was a limit to the damage that any president could do. The difference between a Dem status quo and a Rep status quo resembled the libertarian refrain "The Democrats and their clones the Republicans."

Before 9-11. Before the invasion of Afghanistan. Before the build up to the invasion of Iraq. Before any cowboy manners could offend any sophisticated Euro. Before all that.

When it comes to the belief that Bush (and anyone close to him) is the WORST PRESIDENT EVER, cause and effect are backwards. Since the belief existed before any possibility of evidence... I have to, logically, rationally, MUST question the belief.

And here's a clue... popularity != reputation.

Getting to be prom queen of the world is lame if everyone knows you're a slut.


Ymarsakar said…
If they think Bush is bad... I wanna know what will happen when a Teddy Roosevelt/FD Roosevelt gets into power.

Will people like skep just shut up? Or will they eat their words? or will they pretend that everything they had said had never existed as words on the net?

I favor internal self-combustion. TO make it fair, we'll put the Roosevelt ruthless twins as a Republican progressive. That way, the Demos won't have their party to fall back on as a defensive measure against internal self-combustion.
Ymarsakar said…
Here's a real example. Teddy Roosevelt would have stepped on Wilson Plame, hard. He would have never been seen in Washington socialite circles, he in fact might have "disappeared", for real.
Ymarsakar said…
And here's a clue... popularity != reputation.

Perhaps a clue to the Daily Kos computer hacker programmer department?

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