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What passes for thought.

So my daughter is watching something on television, some documentary something about a peace blogger... I didn't catch the details, just a bit of the guy's speech as he's driving along in his truck.

He explains that he was offended by someone or other who was excited about going off to war because what that meant was that they were going to be killing people. True enough.

He explains that a huge (he said half, which I think can't be right, but I'll give him that it's a lot) part of our economy is given to the military. True enough.

He explains that it's making us enemies. That he's watched as people in the world have begun to hate us. Fantasy land.

Pure delusional la la fantasy land... in three parts.

Firstly, that something has fundamentally changed in the attitudes of the rest of the world toward the USA; What has happened is that people have become *aware* of other's attitudes about the United States that they were not aware of before. But very little critical thought will bring to mind examples of our unpopularity over time.

Secondly, that our military action is responsible for people hating us; They hated us before, enough so that 9-11 was planned and carried out, enough so that a long history of less spectacular attacks have been undertaken against the United States. Why does the bully take your lunch money? Because he can? Because he's hungry? Because he resents that you don't have to deal with the stresses he deals with every day? Lots of reasons... lots and lots of possible reasons that have nada to do with anything you have done.

Focusing on an external enemy has such a long and illustrious history that it's surprising that people who present themselves as thoughtful ignore it. When the life of your people sucks, you give them an external enemy to hate. Who in this equation has the sucky lives? It's not us.

Thirdly, that the "world" hating us matters; It doesn't.


Ymarsakar said…
So long as they fear us, they may hate as much as they want.
Anonymous said…
you should consider converting to islam my friend. your daughter will be converting soon enough.
god willing
Synova said…
Hi ymarsakar, just wanted to say I'm not dead. ;-)

As for anonymous (pretending, for a moment, the comment itself isn't a "clever" comment by an infidel), the question really is God's will, isn't it? What God wills will happen, it must. So far, however, the evidence of God's will is that it does not side with Islam.

Sorry, dude.

Rather than resulting in a good life for people, much like communism, the rosy promises of Islam results in a sucky life for the people. A sucky life for the young men. A sucky life for the women and girls.

Like communism, it sounds good but doesn't deliver.
Ymarsakar said…

Focusing on an external enemy has such a long and illustrious history that it's surprising that people who present themselves as thoughtful ignore it.

They don't ignore it. They just believe Bush is the one focusing in a "crafted" external enemy. Which makes neat. Either it is... or it isn't. Binary.

Who in this equation has the sucky lives? It's not us.

Al Gore certainly thinks bad things are occuring, just not to him. The amount of guilt by rich folks and Hollywood such as Gore (which I guess is redundant now that he has a movie Oscar nomination) distorts the reality fabric in such a way that they actively makes lives to be sucky. Everyone else's lives of course.

Besides, the Left is so narcissistic, I don't think they really care or understand about how others outside the US are "suffering". To them, they are noble savages, far more noble to them than the US.

It is a weird dichotomy. When you give someone everything that he would ever have wanted... he becomes spoiled and self-destructive. But if you don't give him anything at all, he starves and is miserable. I suppose humanity functions best through struggle and earning the rewards.

God's will is that every enemy of the United States will be impaled on a 3 foot stake, and burned. Is not Allah supposed to reward the faithful? Considering the power and success of the US, Allah must love the US.

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