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I'm a denier

I used to be a skeptic, but I've given up that comfortable ambiguity to embrace the big "D" without apology.

If you haven't yet, check out this documentary.

Update: Basically the same information, but including this gem...

What is really being said here is, "We believe in the IPCC and anybody else who supports Global Warming. We believe it so much that we refuse to listen to anybody who says otherwise."

The only difference between this and Jim and Tammy Baker on the old PTL Club is that nobody says "Jesus."

Mr. Card is also a bit more specific about the manipulated computer models that had been mentioned in the documentary.

What were those bad numbers Mann plugged in to get his fake results? Modern bristlecone pine tree-ring data in which recent tree rings showed the widths that would normally mean unusually warm weather.

However, these trees were located near temperature recording stations that showed lower than usual temperatures. So instead of being a sign of warmer temperatures, the tree rings are actually responding to the increased CO2 levels.

Even the heading on this bristlecone pine study clearly stated that the wider tree rings did not indicate higher temperatures. But Mann plugged them in as if they did,..
And he says,

All this can be checked. I didn't even change the names.

It's a sad sad thing when science joins the rest of the world where it's quite alright if something is fake, just so long as it's true.

It's... chilling.

Update: This is interesting, too.

It's a debate between people on both sides over the question, is global warming a *bad* thing.

H/T to Steve, the fellow Card was talking about in his article. Steve McIntyre.


Ymarsakar said…
Even if GW exists, it is a good thing.

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