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That was me!

I got quoted by Instapundit... I think I'm gonna faint.

UPDATE: Best line from the comments: "No one questions Bugs Bunny's masculinity, and he dresses in drag all the time."

I'd said that in the comments here. (Scroll down for the funniest photo-shop of George Bush ever.)

It wasn't quite to the point. If I were to make a comment that was less cute I'd say that when it comes to "manliness" there is a conceptual gap between many on the "left" and many on the "right." Refer back to this post of mine with a link to a professor waxing poetic about "weenie-boys."

The "left" tends to think that it is vitally important to the "right" that a candidate be manly enough. That masculinity is almost fetishized.

I thought of Bugs Bunny in relationship to Rudy Giuliani in drag and how it seems we're all *supposed* to be really upset by that.

Why do people criticize Edward's cuteness? It's because he seems to be trying to project that polished beauty. Why did Kerry get criticized? Because he seemed to be trying too hard to seem rugged.

Bugs Bunny doesn't try.


Ymarsakar said…
I don't get this issue, probably because I can't recognize anyone in drag unless they print the name right underneath.

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