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My Second Amendment Rights


KCFleming said…
Double plus good!!
Lem Vibe Bandit said…
Good for you Synova.
cf said…
Shoot! (um, I guess that should be "Darn!") I am late to the party. I better get movin on this myself. congratulations :^)
virgil xenophon said…
Now start laying in "mass quantities" of ammo before the Obammasiah and/or his minions at the local and/or State level tax it out of reach--plus a good home defense shotgun and a smaller "carry" "parking-lot" gun (what you need to get you safely to your car late at night coming out of the concert/theater Some are as small as 31/2 inches and will take .22 magnum cartridges--enough to blow the guy's throat out at close range)
Big Mike said…
I hate to say it, but it looks to me as though the grip is a little wide for your hand. Were you able to borrow a PPQ and check it on the range?

Is that the 9mm version or the .40?

I hope you get a laser site for the Picatinny rail under the barrel. That would turn it from "awesome" into "truly awesome."
Big Mike said…
Oops. You did say it was a 9mm, didn't you.
Blast away in good health.
Synova said…
Big Mike, I changed to the small back strap. It's got the medium one in the picture.

To be honest, the small one isn't that much smaller. I might change it back again to see if the shape of the medium back strap makes it more comfortable to hold higher on the grip.

My hands are just freakishly small.
Synova said…
And thanks everyone for checking out the picture. I wanted to show it off a little bit. Not everyone "gets" Oh, wow, look, I got a gun!
Big Mike said…
My own hands are really big, so I have the opposite problem with some handguns having a grip that's uncomfortably small (it's Hell for me buying gloves, too). If you have someone teach you the Weaver grip (don't bother with YouTube videos, pay a real instructor) that will help alleviate things. The isosceles is also a good two-hand grip, but it squares up your body towards your target, which is sort of suboptimal if your target is shooting at you.

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