People almost always say what they mean. We've got people today that believe that half the country believes horrible, horrific, and evil things, half... and this half *still* bothers to speak in code, to hide what they really think? Why would anyone do that? You're going to be called a racist no matter what you do. Nazi even. You're going to be accused of wanting anyone you disapprove of to die, because disapproval is the same thing as wanting people to die. So why would anyone fake it? Why would anyone bother to fake it? They wouldn't. Someone introduced me to the "genetic fallacy." Genetic refers to the source, and the fallacy is in interpreting anything and everything based on its source. So two different people saying exactly the same thing have their words judged by the source, by them, or whatever group they belong to, the source rather than the words. And that explains about 90% of the "that's a false equivalency" rebuttals I get. It's false, not because it's not equivalent, but that the SOURCE is different. And they are judging by the source.
People almost always say what they mean. We've got people today that believe that half the country believes horrible, horrific, and evil things, half... and this half *still* bothers to speak in code, to hide what they really think? Why would anyone do that? You're going to be called a racist no matter what you do. Nazi even. You're going to be accused of wanting anyone you disapprove of to die, because disapproval is the same thing as wanting people to die. So why would anyone fake it? Why would anyone bother to fake it? They wouldn't. Someone introduced me to the "genetic fallacy." Genetic refers to the source, and the fallacy is in interpreting anything and everything based on its source. So two different people saying exactly the same thing have their words judged by the source, by them, or whatever group they belong to, the source rather than the words. And that explains about 90% of the "that's a false equivalency" rebuttals I get. It's false, not because it's not equivalent, but that the SOURCE is different. And they are judging by the source.
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