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When Evil Pretends That It's Good, or How Dare You Not Be White.

A friend is reading a book about critical race theory or some stupid stuff. A white author writing to a white audience. The author INSISTS that it's racist to avoid having a white racial consciousness. We're SUPPOSED to have a white racial consciousness, and she knows that makes white people uncomfortable because we've been taught that this is racist, but we have to get past that and learn to identify as and think about our whiteness as our identity.
Just reading a paragraph, yeah, sure, it made me more than uncomfortable. It made me angry. Yeah, sure, we've been taught that we're not supposed to do this. But part of the anger I felt was that I recognized in my own self a growing desire to give her just precisely what she was demanding of me. Good. And. Hard.

I wanted to shout, FINE, I'm going to Be White, now. I'm going to think of myself that way and I'm going to LOVE IT.

Idiots. Complete and utter idiots. They don't want an end to racism, they want to insist upon it. They want white racial identity to be the most important parts of our lives. They want white people to band together according to their race and identify and value their race.

You know, like white supremacists do.

And when they get what they want they're going to feel like the Good Guys about it. Because they're fully and profoundly evil. All of them.


Pulp Herb said…
I have always been amazed that they were surprised when their attempts to force white people to have a white identity bore fruit white people had a positive identity.

They actually expected it to be a negative identity.

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