Remember this: When we began with Covid 19 we were generally told that the goal was to slow the spread, to "flatten the curve", in order to dribble out covid cases in bits and drabs to reduce the burden on hospitals and staff. Everyone was still going to eventually get it, just not all at once.
Think about when that message shifted.
Think about when the rhetoric changed to "defeat" or "end" Covid 19. No flu or covid virus, not one of them, that has made the jump from animals to humans has ever been defeated. Not a single one has truly come to an end. They mutate. They become less prevalent. They all still exist and are still passed between people.
Flatten the Curve.
That made sense.
Let us take away all of your freedom, emotionally and psychologically abuse your children, disregard those with mental difficulty, isolate the elderly and let them die alone because, BECAUSE, if you allow these utterly HORRIFIC things... we can DEFEAT Covid 19.
Utter, authoritarian, politically motivated, willfully malicious bull shit.
New York is instituting a vaccine passport and officially making anyone who is unvaccinated or who forgets their "papers" or who doesn't have a smart-phone into second class citizens, blocked away from participation in their communities. Why? So they can DEFEAT a virus that will never be removed from the list of human infecting viruses. Never could be. Never a possibility. But it's still the reason for making Americans carry and present "papers".
So if the malicious and willfully deceitful politician knows this, and he DOES know it, what is the purpose?
The purpose is, that when Covid 19 is NOT defeated, that there can be scapegoats to blame. They didn't lie to you, those people over there stole peace and prosperity from you. Because scapegoats, those un-people who undermine the perfect society that could be, the perfect society that is promised, are utterly and absolutely VITAL because enemies and un-people are VITAL to an authoritarian assumption of power.