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I actually got three... scenes, segments, beats... written on my script today. Yay! It's not the writing that's so hard, actually, it's the choices: what comes next, why, what necessary info will fit naturally. So I got the "hard" bit written, essential information given, and went on. And I'm not sure, but I may have solved a problem that I knew was coming.

You see, if a character is going to have leet ninja skills it has to be established and other than a dialog reference to training there didn't seem to be any opportunity (I may still have to go back to the very beginning and have one or more of the kids fight back, or at least assume a back leaning stance, before getting knocked out by the gas and gathered up by the commandos.) Anyhow, I had two things that I needed to set-up... one, that the girls *can* be dangerous, and two, that they have reason to react to a forced pelvic exam, etc., as a rape.

Which, now that I think of it, is a bit of synchronisity with my daughter's Girl Scout meeting tonight as they went over sexual harassment and assault material, what to do, etc., how to be safe.

Anyhow, now I'm going to go watch a Jackie Chan movie... City Hunter, even though it's almost 10pm.

I rented three that I hadn't seen before. If you like Jackie Chan, Jackie Chan's Project A was a lot of fun. (Though the navy outfits made my daughter think of Japanese school girls, she said.) Who Am I? had it's moments and wasn't disappointing. Best car stunts ever. Don't bother to rent or watch The Prisoner unless your admiration for Jackie is rock solid because it was a stinker. The only explanation I can come up with is that it was made for the Hong Kong audience and that they really don't care if a movie makes any sense at all so long as they get to see their favorite guy in it. The script made no sense at all but Sammo Hung was great. I think it's the only movie I've ever seen where Jackie get's shot and dies at the end and it was almost bad enough that this was a glad occurance.


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