I wanted to play with my new tablet a little bit because I won't get a chance for a while, so this is rough. Still, it's something that I've been thinking about a lot and trying to figure out how to say in a way that is the most clear. Creating a label of "ANTI" and applying it to something is meaningless. How often does someone say, "Antifa can't be fascist, it's right in the name?" So? And? I can call myself the Queen and it won't make me Harry's grandmother now will it. Along with the ridiculousness of "antifa" is the notion of "anti-racism", which if you examine it differs from "equality" in that it requires and demands a retaliatory racism. There's nothing "anti" about it in any sense other than a mirror image. Which would work too, I suppose. Anti-fa is a mirror image of fascism. Anti-racism is a mirror image of racism. In any case, here's my messy drawing of something that is c...
Science fiction, politics, cartoons, and whatever I want to talk about. With chickens!