A couple blog people linked to this article by Naomi Wolf. Other than the really funny mix up of the 2nd and 4th Amendments, it's still an interesting read. So much she gets so right, so much is so very wrong. It's almost like she knows the truth but simply *must* intersperse it with the proper Anti-Bush and liberal sentiments. I almost thought it was on purpose... a way to slip truth past to her target audience. As the Founders knew, if citizens are ignorant of or complacent about the proper workings of a republic "of laws not of men," then any leader of any party -- or any tyrannical Congress or even a tyrannical majority -- can abuse the power they hold. But at this moment of threat to the system the Framers set in place, a third of young Americans don't really understand what they were up to. Bravo! She realizes that this is a Republic and the most important thing is the rule of Law, the Constitution. She even got the tyranny of the majority in there! Mid...
Science fiction, politics, cartoons, and whatever I want to talk about. With chickens!