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Loose Change or Screw Loose?

I can hardly even watch this. These guys are amazing. (h/t Instpundit)

It *is* just like any other sort of conspiracy theory. It all depends on the truth being hidden from thousands of people. And the only agencies capable of pulling off such a stunt? Huge government agencies.

I guess if you're in the government the saying "two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead" doesn't apply. There were bombs in the world trade centers. They were installed ahead of time. How many man-hours? How many engineers and explosive experts and scientists figured out just where to place those explosives and how many workers humped how many tons of explosives up how many trips in the freight elevators and wired the detonators? And not only was the government able to *find* people who would be willing to do this, none of those people bragged about it over a beer? No one told their husband or wife or lover that they spent the wee hours of the morning installing explosives?

Please tell me, where do these evil and obedient minions exist?

What's more, after doing all of this, instead of just blowing it all up and blaming terroristis (because, obviously, no one would believe that terrorists planted bombs in a building) they managed to coordinate the blowing up stuff with the hijacking of four aircraft, two of which were diverted to some other place and made to disappear, while a fake crater was produced in a field and a missle or something ploughed into the Pentagon, and two aircraft full of people were flown into the world trade center buildings.

Not only is the government all powerful with thousands of those obedient and evil minions to setup this convoluted plan and carry it off without anyone spilling the beans, but this all-powerful entity saw no need to simplify the plan.

I wonder what the Loose Screws think of the secret laboratories built under school buildings in the utility tunnels where children are taken during the day and experimented on by the Air Force. According to the usenet post revealing this, if parents haven't given permission for their children to be involved it might be illegal. The evil and obedient minions... teachers, custodial staff, construction workers, the school district accountants who conceal the extra electricity draw... they never say a word. But I remember when I was a kid, one time I looked through this door at school and there were tunnels with pipes and crap and it was spooky. And you know we were never allowed to actually see what was down there. That's proof they were hiding *something*. And I'm not going to listen to any lies about how it's all normal parts of buildings because everyone knows that pipes and sh*t is built into the space in the floor or walls. If there's a tunnel under a building it *goes* somewhere.


Ymarsakar said…
When they are in power, you have to wonder what kind of things their devious minds can cook up. Devious plans that fail disastrously perhaps.

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