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The whole story from Michael Yon

A couple days ago I posted about a note Michael Yon had sent to Instapundit about the arrest of an Iraqi General.

Here's the whole fascinating story.

I had talked about the importance of the rule of law and how those in government must be subject to it.

I hope, very much, that as this goes into the Iraqi court system that it will be an example of fairness that will encourage the people in Iraq to trust the process and have confidence in their justice system.

It's *important*.


Ymarsakar said…

I love it when combatant commanders surprise their own people by asking for forgiveness after a fait accompli. I love it when people take risky action to get even greater benefits.

Businesses might profit by playing it safe, but war is not for profit.

I contrast this with Bush's leadership, which is almost always concerned about asking for permission first, before he does anything. It is quite strange that it takes people like Crissman to create the rule of law, but once created, the rule of law tends to engage people who are not risk takers, who ask for permission first, and so forth. I wonder if that is ultimately sustainable in the end.

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