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The selfishness of Toni

"Every year, we also take a nice holiday - we've just come back from South Africa.

"We feel we can have one long-haul flight a year, as we are vegan and childless, thereby greatly reducing our carbon footprint and combating over-population.
What an ass.
"Having children is selfish. It's all about maintaining your genetic line at the expense of the planet," says Toni, 35.

But what we can expect from eco-religionists and Warmers. Yes? Proof that they don't REALLY think the world is in danger because they don't live as though the world is in danger.

If Toni really thought what she did mattered she'd be a childless vegan who *didn't* fly on airplanes because every little bit helps. One is tempted to think that she didn't want children *anyway* and that being a vegetarian isn't much of a sacrifice either. But missing out on conspicuous consumerism! Gasp!

Just like Gore jetting about or any of the others who chose to lecture the rest of us and tell us how to live, the excess is justified, the life-style, the luxury, because a trade off has been made.

Buy a few indulgences and sin guilt free!

We see through your excuses, Toni. Without the expense of children you'll have plenty of money to spend and lovely vacations long into your twilight years. So enjoy the end of your genetic line.

The rest of us, and our kids, won't miss it.


Ymarsakar said…
Just like Gore jetting about or any of the others who chose to lecture the rest of us and tell us how to live, the excess is justified, the life-style, the luxury, because a trade off has been made.

Or more like the tradeoffs they already have made are justified by their new religion. Sort of like how criminals and misogynists convert to Islam. A new religion for old beliefs.

More comfortable, you know.

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