I moved my Phals to this north-east facing window and got a regular 4 tube fluorescent light about a year ago or so. They don't get enough humidity and I frequently forget to water them and they all need to be repotted, but the combination of the artificial light, the window, and the fluctuations in temperature at night have triggered bloom stems on all of them. I have one with yellow flowers that has buds that haven't opened yet. I find that I'm more apt to kill the yellow phals than the pink ones. The lights have been raised about six inches because the bloom stems were growing into them. I turned the plants to take pictures because all the flowers face the window.
Compulsion is Compulsion, no matter who does it. This is Brilliant Theft is Theft, no matter who does it. Freedom of Association has no room in it for *private* action that takes that away Freedom of Association. If I have a business and have voluntary associations such that I choose to serve some people and to not serve others, that might make me a jerk and it might lose me business, it might make me smart and it might gain me business, but it's got to be my choice. If I would normally serve the current disliked minority in my shop except for the fact that if I'm SEEN to serve them by the wrong people I'll have a private campaign against me as those people do everything possible to ruin me by preventing me from doing business physically or by attacking my customers or suppliers, then I am NOT free to make those choices. Does it really make a difference to losing my CHOICE to voluntarily associate if there's a law that says I may not serve "those people" o...
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H. M. Stuart