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Somehow I never got this colored and posted.  Anyhow, everyone should be honest about what their goals are and what they have as intended results.  


When I added Popper's Paradox to the "labels" on this, I did a quick check that I had his name right and saw the fast and dirty definition on wikipedia, that unfettered tolerance simply means that the intolerant will always win.  This is baloney, of course, because we can *contend* without being intolerant.  We can still advocate for tolerance among everyone.  But even so, it struck me just how Popper's Paradox plays into the Progressive/SJW ethos.

Intolerance isn't wrong.

Racism isn't wrong.

"Punching" isn't wrong.

Political violence isn't wrong.

Hate isn't wrong.

Not even fascism is wrong.

The Progressive/SJW ethos is that none of these things are wrong, they only become wrong based on who is targeted by those things.

Those who like to quote Popper believe intolerance a moral necessity; for them.
Those who promote Equity or Anti-racism believe that racism is a moral necessity; for them.
Those who attack others, or "punch", believe that "punching" is a moral necessity; for them.
Those who promote political violence believe it is a moral necessity; for them.
Those who excuse their hate believe that their hate is a moral necessity; for them.
Those who use fascist, jack-booted tactics, attack people at their homes, believe that their fascism is a moral necessity; for them.

Because they are GOOD, and you are BAD.

And all that Popper's Paradox means is that the most intolerant side wins, so be intolerant as hard and as loudly as you can.


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