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The War on Work


This comic is far more calm than I feel.

Lets be real.  If I won the lottery I'd sit on my butt, preferably on a beach, and hire other people to do my work for me.

Wait, hire other people to do my work for me?  But isn't "work" bad?  Isn't work a lie created by Capitalism? We only work because we've been lied to and told that we have to work. We only work because someone lied to us and told us that we needed things. So I'd hire other people to DO MY WORK?  Yes.  Because I'll still need to eat.  I'll still need to have a roof over my head. I'll still make a mess just by living and it will have to be cleaned up.  

Because not working just means that someone else has to do that work for you.

You're an adult and presumably at least somewhat able bodied and more or less mentally stable. You get to decide what you need and how to define success.  You get to decide how much "stuff" you need beyond a roof, clothes and food. You decide if you share that roof with others. You decide if the clothes come from a thrift store. You decide if your food is tasty. You don't get to decide that someone else has to do your work for you because you get some bug up your butt about how the only reason we LABOR is because evil Capitalists are tricking you into shoving ever more money into their coffers instead of yours.

You can't live without SOMEONE doing your WORK. None of us can. And how dare you suggest that the someone who does it shouldn't have to be YOU?


kamas716 said…
If we all sit around and do no work, we all starve. Those that can sit around and force other people to do their work for them are called slavers. As a general principle I am against slavery and prefer to either pay someone to do my work, or just do it myself.

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